Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tentative Dates: Public Forum 2

The SBAC Committee met on February 13th.  During the meeting the committee reviewed feedback that had been received during the Public Forum on Boundary Changes.  The Committee spent most of the evening discussing the community concerns.  Templeton Demographics’ enrollment projection numbers for “planning areas” (clusters of homes and residences from a bounded area) were shared with the Committee.

An additional 4th meeting of the SBAC was scheduled for February 27th, intended to complete the discussion, conclusions, and Board recommendation.
Timeline for moving forward:

• February 20 – Board Workshop
• February 27 (Tentative Date): Additional SBAC Meeting @ Rodeo Palms JH
• Tentative for week of March 31st - SBAC:  Public Forum  (the date will be set by SBAC at their Feb 27th meeting)
• April 8 - Board Meeting:  Final SBAC recommendations will be provided to the Board of Trustees

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